Started: 2020
Time/labour: ︎
Collaborators: Despoinas Coven (Nancy Mauro-Flude, Nicole Brimmer)
feminist // text // digital // open // source // internet // manifesto
Image courtesy of Make or Break and Despoinas Coven.
Time/labour: ︎
Collaborators: Despoinas Coven (Nancy Mauro-Flude, Nicole Brimmer)
feminist // text // digital // open // source // internet // manifesto
Image courtesy of Make or Break and Despoinas Coven.
WRITING THE FEMINIST INTERNET by Despoinas Coven (in this configuration: Nancy Mauro-Flude, Nicole Brimmer) and Make or Break is a collaborative, generative, online ‘writing with’ session, where contributors respond — collaboratively and in real-time — to a text drafted by artist and academic Nancy Mauro-Flude in 2018. This speculative text suggests a series of principles and lores for a Feminist Internet within ten working points. Participants meet online to write their own version of this manifesto, riffing off, reimagining, rejecting or rephrasing the original text live in a single open document.
Writing the Feminist Internet v1 was first livestreamed as part of Next Wave Festival's Assemble! program, a gathering of artists online to share ideas around leadership, community and care in a time of crisis. Artist collectives Make or Break and Despoinas Media Coven hosted 30+ volunteer contributors, who met online, chatted, worked, questioned, discussed and reimagined a Feminist Internet together.
This project was commissioned by Next Wave, and supported by a grant from the Australia Council for the Arts.
Assemble! Program
Source text: 10 working points
Live working document
Writing the Feminist Internet v1 was first livestreamed as part of Next Wave Festival's Assemble! program, a gathering of artists online to share ideas around leadership, community and care in a time of crisis. Artist collectives Make or Break and Despoinas Media Coven hosted 30+ volunteer contributors, who met online, chatted, worked, questioned, discussed and reimagined a Feminist Internet together.
This project was commissioned by Next Wave, and supported by a grant from the Australia Council for the Arts.
Assemble! Program
Source text: 10 working points
Live working document