Started: 2022
Time/labour: ︎︎︎︎︎
Thanks to:
Writers: Maria, Lena, Flor, Liliana, Coni, Lelia, Hasib, Fi, Esther, Anna, Shalome, Amy, Jessica, Michelle, Luke, Miska, Tess, Shian, Ju, Ursula, Alex & AI text generator (GPT3)
Producers: Tess Maunder, Hasib Hourani
Tech assists: Ben Barnes, Wilson Wu
Photographers: Wild Hardt, Aaron Claringbold
Venue partners: Siteworks, Twosixty and Queen Victoria Women’s Centre
public broadcast // citizen journalism // community // media // futures // collaboration // speculative fiction // text // technology // non-human // A.I.
Image: Make or Break, Hyperlocal Headlines, 2022, installation view at Twosixty, Brunswick, Victoria. Photo by Wild Hardt.
Time/labour: ︎︎︎︎︎
Thanks to:
Writers: Maria, Lena, Flor, Liliana, Coni, Lelia, Hasib, Fi, Esther, Anna, Shalome, Amy, Jessica, Michelle, Luke, Miska, Tess, Shian, Ju, Ursula, Alex & AI text generator (GPT3)
Producers: Tess Maunder, Hasib Hourani
Tech assists: Ben Barnes, Wilson Wu
Photographers: Wild Hardt, Aaron Claringbold
Venue partners: Siteworks, Twosixty and Queen Victoria Women’s Centre
public broadcast // citizen journalism // community // media // futures // collaboration // speculative fiction // text // technology // non-human // A.I.
Image: Make or Break, Hyperlocal Headlines, 2022, installation view at Twosixty, Brunswick, Victoria. Photo by Wild Hardt.
HYPERLOCAL HEADLINES takes place as a series of artist-facilitated creative conversations and collective storytelling and writing sessions that imagine the future of news. Participants become citizen journalists for a day, learning to collaborate with AI technologies, understand media bias and language, and explore how the ways we tell stories can impact collective futures.
Participants’ narrative and poetic speculations are broadcast as website interventions and across large scale digital news tickers, to answer questions like: how does language influence our world view, or reveal our biases? Will the future of news be hyperlocal or distributed? Who writes it, how is it accessed, and who controls it?
Hyperlocal Headlines is an iteration of Make or Break’s ongoing project Influence Operation (2019-) which to date has invited citizens to join a series of focused workshops to adopt strategies of power in pursuit of questions around truth, influence and subjectivity.
Influence Operation was first commissioned by Campbelltown Arts Centre. Hyperlocal Headlines was commissioned by Next Wave for Next Wave Festival through Kickstart. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. Supported by the City of Melbourne Arts Grants Program.